
Its a beautiful spring day in February and I feel as though I need to sit in confessional… forgive me readers it has been 6 months since my last confession… I mean BLOG.  Life became full and I became human and something had to go.  So I stopped blogging and after a while I somehow didn’t know how and where to start again.  Does anyone even read it?  What topic should I begin with?  What day is a good day to jump back in?  I have thought about it day in and day out.  Here is what I have come up with…  I am going to start to share little thoughts of the day!  Nothing long.  Just something to think about.  Some will be funny.  Some will be thought provoking.  Some might be terrible – I apologize in advance for those.  Either way… a quick and easy way for me to share and a quick and easy note for you to read.   Before I share todays thought I feel the need to be a little vulnerable.  Its scary doing what I do and writing what I write.  Some days I feel as though all those who know what I do are watching me more closely and sometimes I really screw this gig up.  Sometimes knowing more means feeling more pressure to do better.  I am here along side all of you learning and growing through my work, through my relationships and through my children.

Ok… So here is my thought for today.  Parents often ask me why it is so hard to get their kids to help out around the house.  They say, “they are just not helpful!”  If you would like your children to be helpful you need to teach them how it feels to be helped.  Once they know how good it feels, they will want to share that feeling with others.  Offer to help them often and only help if they accept your offer.  Sometimes they just need to know the help is there.  Soon they will be offering to help you.

Love those sweet little beings of yours.  mPS0ff5l8YyY_JNravJwOvQP3a__PhakAbUvnCoPQ5o

(Photo credit: Jenn Di Spirito Photography)

Being happy doesn’t mean that everything is perfect.  It means that you’ve decided to look beyond the imperfections.
