E-mailed the teacher

I thought you all might want to read the email that I sent the teacher on Friday.  It just reminded me that we all need to shift the way we see the world sometimes.  So here it is:

” Dear Ms. M,

Just a quick note to let you know we all dropped the ball last night… I didn’t read K’s agenda until this morning and when I saw the terrain homework there was just know way I could make the Healey magic happen and produce the desired results on time – STRIKE ONE.  Now I see that the agenda is sitting by the phone and it didn’t even make it into his backpack in order for him to record his school notes for today – STRIKE TWO.  Oh and K does not have his proper suit for swimming because… well… does it even matter why at this point… STRIKE THREE.

BUT… he is at school, he had a great breakfast, we all played cards as a family last night, my cavity has been filled and I am carefully sipping my coffee through an adequate amount of dental freezing… So all and all I would say the morning was a success.  I guess its all in how you look at it.

Anyways, we will work on the terrain homework over the weekend and I sure hope K isn’t feeling too discombobulated.


PS I put the granola bar recipe and some samples in his bag for you.  Sorry in advance for the inapproprate stationary. ” (See pic)


If there is anything that we wish to change in the child, we should first examine it and see whether it is not something that could better be changed in ourselves.

Carl Jung